

DataPublic Service: Data for public health

Welcome to join us registerred with ID 802873818 in Michigan USA. We focus on making the maximum positive effort for our community by utilizing data for public health.

It includes and is not limited to data mining, storing, sorting, analyzing, pruning, merging, predicting of public data resources relating with public health.

1) Learn mathematics used in computer programming

2) Get familiar with computer software and programming.

3) Volunteer in our community.

4) Create a data-driven computer application to domostrate your programming skills and leadership.

Join us Now


Register to join activities of DataPublic service

Welcome to register our activities. Some activities are not listed here.

1) Computer coding in the open source project of COVID19VIZ on every weekend.

2) Learning the math of math4computer used in programming.

3) Volunteering events such as cleaning up our parks.

4) Visit a public health organization and donate every half year.

Register Now


We set up this NPO for public health

This Nonprofit Organization, DataPublic Service was founded in April, 2020 to help the local community to receive the much needed public health data.

The COVID-19 project is a visulization tool to forecast the future COVD-19 cases/trends based on the hitorical data for each state.

This project has been led by:

- Dennis Yang, freshman (Sep. 2023), University of Michigan, MI USA.

- Yihan Wang (Luna), student in Grade 12 (Sep. 2023), Troy High School, MI USA.

DataPublic Service is registerred with ID 802873818 in Michigan USA.


Join our projects and contribute for public health

#1: AI Project Provided by University of Michigan: Teen Distracted Driver Detection

#2: Open Source Project COVID19VIZ

#3: math for computer, math4computer

#4: python for Machine Learning

#5: summer project

OUR Links

Specially friendly Links

Dennis Yang -- Coming Soon --

Luna Skills: Art, Music and Coding

Best Judy: Art, Music and Coding

Larry: Art, Music and Coding